THE Coalition filipino American Chambers of Commerce (COFACC) welcomed Philippine Ambassador to the United States, H.E. Jose Manuel “Babe” Romualdez, during an exclusive luncheon at the Diamond Bar Golf Club last Sunday, September 15.
On hand were the Founding Board of COFACC, the Executive Board which consists of all the incumbent Presidents of affiliated Chambers of Commerce, Board Members and representatives from the Philippine Consulate based in Los Angeles (PCGLA) and Philippine Embassy in DC.
The ambassador shared the infrastructure projects of President Rodrigo Duterte, aimed to bring the Philippines to Economic growth by building bridges, airports and railroads.
COFACC established its support by expounding on its trade missions, conferences and network building efforts by strengthening its local chambers, and connecting resources.
COFACC is a not for profit organization incorporated in May 2018 as a 501C6 under the not for profit laws of California. It is founded by 15 Filipino American business entrepreneurs and professionals representing 5 Filipino American Chambers of Commerce in Southern California, namely the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles (FACC-GLA), Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Tri County (FACC-Tri ounty), Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Hollywood FACC-HO), Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Orange County (FACC-OC), and the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of San Diego (FACC-SD).
Photo shows COFACC members with Ambassador Romualdez: (2nd row) COFACC VP Conferences & Program Angelo Varsobia; DOT attaché Richmond Jimenez; DTI Commissioner Eric Elnar; FACC-SLAA VP of Programs Jason Agcaoili; PCGLA Protocol Officer Fernan Balicoco; Vice Consul Ambo Enciso; Consul Emil Sales of the Philippine Embassy in DC; Heddy Trinidad, FACC Tri County Board Member, Jeffrey Bautista, COFACC VP Marketing and Branding; COFACC President Gerry Palon; Consul General Adelio Cruz; Asian Journal CEO and COFACC board member Roger Oriel; FACC Hollywood President Paul Mirador; COFACC VP Budget & Finance Fred Docdocil; John Swing, SIPA CED Program Manager; Art Abellada, FACC Tri-County Board Member. (1st row, seated): Labor Attaché Armi; Evangel N. Peña; Vice Consul Rea Oreta; Tiffany Porter, FACC Hollywood Secretary; Mary Trinidad, FACC-GLA Board Member; Christina Camiling, FACC Glendale/Pasadena Interim President; Catherine Sy-Liub, FACC San Diego VP; Ellen Samson, COFACC Founding Board and FACCGLA President; H.E. Ambassador Jose Manuel Romualdez; Janice Jimenez, FACC-SLAA President and COFACC Founding Board; Carmela Gilberto FACC Tri-County VP; Annie Nepomuceno, FACCGLA President-Elect; Asian Journal President Cora Oriel; Mary Grace Leaño, Consulate Information Officer.